White dream
This weekend, me and some friends went to this Chisha (is that the name?) place, you know where you basically smoke water that tastes like watermelon or something. Anyway, it was my first time trying it and I actually liked it quite alot! But I like the place that we went to even more, if anyone stops by Paris and likes this kind of stuff, you should go to a place called "White Dream" in Avron. The furniture is all White which i loved and they had amazing music (French hip hop, r&b, reggaeton and two or three oriental songs which were actually quite good haha). They also had amazing (and cheap!!) drinks and glow in the dark menus! Highly recommended!
The only thing is, me and my friends got a table that was kind of on a stage, so everyone else was sitting under us 😂 I found it a liiittle uncomfortable at times but my friends loved it and said that they felt like Queens in a place haha!

Also, i went on a powerwalk yesterday with this view, isn't it amazing?