Four seasons hotel
I had the worst morning today - then to top it off, I couldn't find my keys, so I started throwing pots and pans around my apartment like a mad woman and still could not find them haha, so after my landlord lent me a spare key, I headed to the metro to go to French class, but then I thought fuck it, I am going to have pancakes at a café and turn this day around - which I did :D
So I had pancakes and I am now looking online at a hotel called the four seasons. It is literally my goal to stay one night at the Four seasons hotel while I am in Paris! It looks so beautiful, especially the views from the room. I have been looking at pictures from the hotel for like an hour now instead of studying haha. You will see for yourself - looks like an absolute dream. Plus all the celebreties stay there, so maybe you might run into Kanye? (He would probably push his way past you and not give a fuck haha)